

Spring Flowers

Welcome to the March Jax Starz Blog Hop. This month we are sharing fun Easter and spring projects to inspire you! You may be just starting the blog hop or may have come from Amanda's blog. You can follow the full blog hop lineup below to move along from blog to blog, so you can see all of the new projects.
I don't know about you, but spring makes me think of flowers. My mom's birthday is in march, and her favorite hobby is her flower gardens. Therefore, I decided to share the birthday card that I made for my mom.

I think I should have added some linen thread swirled around in there somewhere, but for the life of me I couldn't find it anywhere. Probably because my craft room still looks like a tornado swept through it. For instructions on how to recreate this card Click Here.

The next stop is Lee's Blog on the Jax Starz Blog Hop! Thanks for visiting and I'll see you next month.

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